​​Children Working  to Save Our Planet 

                     Building Community Relations Through Cognitive Training


                Leadership Training provided to help evolve the Whole Community.


                                          Objectives for a Healing Curriculum



Our mission is to provide a pro-active cognitive alternative for at-risk youth, young adults and our disenfranchised veterans, gangs and homeless populations; with programming provided in safe environments to avoid the self-destructive challenges in today’s society by enhancing education and edutainment that will lead to a positive quality of life and self-reliance.

Children Working to Save Our Planet is Partnering with Qualified Organizations to help reframe the thought process of the General Public, Workforce, at Risk Youth, Gangs, and Law Enforcement. This process must began with Children.

By having our children's best interest at heart, utilizing a developmental platform allowing children to level up while in transition from a translucent state, by building a vertical partnership and aligning there chakras through intuition, communication, personal truth, proper love that is guided to begin healing for a well-grounded and solidified state of mental security.  We will place our clients in our prevent course for advancement of psychological recall for mental stabilization by releasing the suppressed anger, sadness, broken heart, anxiety, fear, and automatic behavior that is stemming from the trigger points of pain and difficult experiences. By utilizing a relapse prevention plan that identifies the trigger points, and guides the client to controlling their own mental state. By a development of their own Power Base that determines the ability to feel safe, and secure. This process doesn't happen over night.

Children Working to Save Our Planet has partnered with (PBCG) Project Building Community Group. We have worked together since 2016 in the Heart of Los Angeles California, and Pasadena California By sponsor different community events, We have sponsored Cognitive Conferences, Food Drives at The Rose Bowl in Pasadena Ca. also, teaming up with I-Can and Amer-I-can. 

In the near future we will have classes being taught on school campuses, to address the Mental Illness that runs rampant throughout all communities. By making the child, the focus, without any outside interference, this will permit, the right kinda of Love and growth.